Geometric, Arabesque & Plaster carving workshops
Toronto, Canada ~ 1 – 4th August 2024
The Ismaili Centre, Toronto.
49 Wynford Dr, North York, ON M3C 1K1, Canada
This 4-day program at the stunning Ismaili Centre, Toronto will include 10 distinct but complementary sessions. Participants are welcome to take one or all the sessions.
Those signing up for the Weekend or the Full Program will receive a 10% discount.
Option 1: Individual classes
Option 2: Register for Weekend (3 days) – 380$ CAD
Introducing Islamic Geometric Patterns
9.30am – 12pm 70$ CAD
Using the traditional tools of compass and straight edge we will a create a traditional geometric design and explore principles of tessellation.
Arabesque Pattern
1 – 3.30pm $ CAD
Introduction to the fluid, versatile freehand biomorphic aspects of Islamic Pattern.
Geometric Mamluk Patterns
5 – 7.30pm $ CAD
We look at a classic tessellated rosette pattern from Medieval Cairo that appears both within joinery as a period door panel and as an illuminated Quranic page.
Geometric Persian Patterns
9.30am – 12pm $ CAD
This session will focus on building patterns from medieval Persia and 5&10-fold symmetry.
Arabesque Mamluk Patterns
1.00 – 3:30pm $ CAD
Learn beautiful biomorphic motifs from Egypt & Syria and draw.
Arabesque Persian Patterns
5 – 7.30pm $ CAD
Create a beautiful 6 fold ‘Rumi Islimi pattern’ from Kerman (pictured right) & learn about the ‘Rumi’ family of biomorphic motifs.
Geometry Master Class – With Richard Henry
Double Session 1pm – 6 pm $140 CAD
In this more advanced Master Class we will explore multi-level Girih designs from medieval Persia and their links the more recently discovered Penrose tiling.
Free Public Lecture –
Introduction to Islamic Arts and Crafts
7.15 – 8.30pm
Sunday ~ 14th August 2022
Double session
Plaster Carving
10am – 4pm $150 CAD
Experience one of the most satisfying carving processes and complete a geometric and biomorphic pattern of your choice. Using traditional Moroccan tools and techniques.