Course Details & Booking

Study Trips
1st -5th October 2024

5 day Intensive
10am - 6pm (approximately)

The Museum of Alchemy ~ C. Judíos, 14, 14004 Córdoba, Spain

Students must arrange their own accommodation. There are plenty of options for all budgets within the vicinity of course venue. Ask for details.

Course fee
£500 (including site entry, specialist materials, excluding flights and accommodation)

Register 50% Deposit to register a place

Register for both Granada and Cordoba with discount

Terms & Conditions
We require a 50% deposit of £250 to reserve a place on the study trip. The balance of £200 is payable 4 weeks before departure. The course deposit can be transferred to another study trip, or UK course (not including UAE courses), if 8 weeks notice of cancellation is given.

Deposit for those also taking the Granada Course ~ 10% Discount


    Please use the form below to register your interest or for any queries you may have regarding this study trip.

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    Register for Cordoba 

    A special new course studying the architectural facade of the Mezquita. In this special session students will render an entire facade including architectural features, geometric patterns and biomorphic motifs. This masterpiece is a seminal moment in the growth of arabesque and showcases the early applications of vegetive decorative motifs. 

    In 2024 Art of Islamic Pattern will be running a four-day workshop in Córdoba, which in the height of Al-Andalus was the largest city in Europe and the leading cultural and economic centre of the Islamic world.  Classes will take place in Córdoba at the beautiful 14th century La Casa Andalusi within the narrow winding streets of the medieval Moorish district around the Mezquita.

    The programme will include practical classes in geometry and biomorphic design based upon local sources, plus guided tours and lectures with local specialists.

    Open to all abilities.

    There is a 10% discount when registering for this course in combination with the Granada Study Trip taking place the week prior. The two Andaluz study trips are based on local sources and have different, but complementary content.

    Register for both Granada and Cordoba with deposit

    Also in International Study Trips

    New Mexico ~ Summer School ~ Sept ’24

    New Mexico ~ Summer School ~ Sept ’24

    New Mexico ~ Summer School ~ Sept '24

    Granada ~ Sept ’24

    Granada ~ Sept ’24

    Studying patterns of the Alhambra and create a leather embossing artwork. 25 - 28th Sept 2024

    Marrakech ~ April ’25

    Marrakech ~ April ’25

    Study trip to Marrakech, Morocco. 14th – 18th April 2025

    India ~ Nov ’24

    India ~ Nov ’24

    Join us for an artist immersion into the otherworldly wonders of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. We will draw geometric and biomorphic ornamental pattern...

    Istanbul ~ Sept ’24

    Istanbul ~ Sept ’24

    Classes within the exceptionally well-appointed 17th century Tekke in the heart of the historic area. 17th - 21st Sept 2024

    Cairo ~ Feb ’25

    Cairo ~ Feb ’25

    Visits to the famous medieval Sultan Hasan Mosque & Ibn Tulun Mosque. The course will take place at the historic UNESCO Bayt Yakan

    Fez, Morocco ~ April ’25

    Fez, Morocco ~ April ’25

    Study trip to Fez, Morocco. 21-25th April 2025



    Pictures and films from courses, study trips plus students' and tutors' works