Drawing Retreat
24-27th July 2025
New Mexico Summer School
Dar Al Islam ~ 342 Co Rd 155, Abiquiu, NM 87510, United States
Special 4 day all inclusive program at the stunning Dar Al Islam in the remote wilds of New Mexico. The event includes a series of distinct but complementary practical classes and lectures, participants are welcome to take one or all the sessions.
All materials & equipment provided
Open to all abilities
Each year we introduce new international tutors including Samira Mian, new patterns and new craft activities, in 2025 the retreat will include:
Drawing classes ~ Geometric and Biomorphic patterns
- Natural pigment making class ~ Make your own water colour set
- Painting geometry session ~ with Samira Mian
- Adobe brick making demo ~ Learn about the local vernacular architecture and its connections to Islamic art around the world
- Ceramic workshop ~ Glaze (paint) and fire your own tile on an overnight campfire
- Movement and Meditation ~ Optional morning movement and mediation sessions
- Nature walks ~ Optional ~ Discover the incredible surrounding remote and silent environment, for sunrise and sunset canyon adventures
“Straight is the line of duty, and curved is the line of beauty.” Hasan Fathy
The event will take place in the remote and spectacular wilds of New Mexico, within a stunning vaulted adobe complex built by the famous Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy. Located next to Georgia O’keeffe’s studio ‘Ghost Ranch’.
Accommodation options are single sex- four bed dorms within the vaulted adobe complex, on a first come first serve basis. Classes take place within the main hall, all course materials and equipment will be provided. Those signing up for the full programme receive a discount. Full details sent after registration.
Staying off site
If you traveling from outside NM and want to stay offsite will need to choose Option 2 and book an airbnb or hotel close or the Abiquiu Inn which is the closest hotel.
Option 1: Full programme, Including all tuition, equipment, catering and accommodation ~ 4 nights (Thursday afternoon – Monday morning) ~ $1200 – $600 Deposit |
Option 2: Full programme, Including all tuition, equipment, catering ~ 3.5 days (without accommodation)~ $800 – $400 Deposit |
Bringing partners and family
Participants are welcome to bring a (non participating) partner/family member and they can relax onsite and join the group for meal times. Use this links to:
Book catering only – all meals for 3.5 days
Book Accommodation and catering only – 4 days
Details on inquiry: islamicpattern@gmail.com
Using the traditional tools of compass and straight edge we will re-create a beautiful pattern from a different part of the Islamic world. By working with designs of progressive complexity students develop a solid grounding in the language of symmetry in Islamic Art. As the course progresses, students are also introduced to the principles of free-hand biomorphic design (also known as Islimi/Arabesque) and learn to integrate these more fluid designs with geometric pattern. The practical work is supplemented by a contextual slide lectures and student receives a comprehensive series of handouts detailing the steps undertaken to re-create each pattern.